Essential RN

March 5, 2023

How to Make the Most of Office Hours in Nursing School

How to Make the Most of Office Hours in Nursing School

Nursing school can be a challenging endeavor and reaching out for help from instructors and mentors is key to success. Office hours are one of the best ways to get individualized help from faculty, yet many students don’t take advantage of these opportunities. Here are some tips on how to make the most of office hours while in nursing school:

  • Do Your Homework Beforehand – When attending office hours, it’s important to be prepared. Take some time before your meeting to review course material and think through any topics you need further clarification on. Having questions and topics mapped out beforehand will ensure that you make the most of your meeting by staying focused and productive.
  • Be Respectful of Faculty Time – Office hours can be a busy time for instructors, so make sure to be respectful with their time. Be mindful of how long you are taking up with your questions and don’t monopolize the professor’s time.
  • Be Professional – Office hours provide a great opportunity to get to know faculty members and build a relationship, however, it’s important to maintain a professional demeanor. Being polite, well-spoken and grateful for the professor’s help is essential for having a successful office hour meeting.
  • Follow Up – Just like in any other profession, following up after a meeting is essential. Email your professor to thank them for their help and to remind them of the topics covered at the meeting.

Office hours are a valuable resource available to nursing students and can make a big difference when it comes to succeeding academically. By following these tips, you can make the most out of your office hour meetings and build strong relationships with faculty members. To delve deeper into this topic and learn more, please visit
this article.

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