Essential RN

April 24, 2023

What You Should Include in Your Nursing School Application Packet

If you’re beginning the process of applying to nursing school, one of the biggest steps is to compile your application packet. This typically includes your application, letters of recommendation, transcripts, and any other documents that demonstrate your commitment to the school and program. Here are some of the key items you should include in your application packet.


Your transcripts from high school, college and other post-secondary educational institutions should be included in your application packet. For nursing school, students need to demonstrate that they have a solid academic background with a good GPA. Many schools require additional transcripts from other types of Accredited Programs as well which students should keep in mind.

Essays or Personal Statements

Depending on the program you’re applying for, you may need to include an essay in your application packet. An essay can provide valuable insight into why the student is suited for that program, and the importance of their chosen field. This is an opportunity for you to share your story, what has inspired you to pursue this career path, and how you’re ready to take on the challenges of nursing school.

Letters of Recommendation

A letter of recommendation from a teacher, mentor, coach, or other professional in your life can be beneficial to your application. A letter of recommendation focuses on the qualities that make you stand out and offers a firsthand account of your character or skills. It reflects favorably on you and can further emphasize your commitment to the program. When asking for a letter of recommendation, make sure to give enough time for the person writing it to complete it.

Resume or CV

A resume or CV can provide an overview of your experiences and accomplishments you’ve had in the past. Nursing programs often look for applicants who have a strong foundation of working experience and leadership abilities. Therefore, if you have any previous work experience or volunteering that demonstrates your capabilities, make sure to include it in your resume or CV.


For certain fields, such as Nursing Administration or Nursing Leadership, a portfolio can be beneficial. Your portfolio should demonstrate your ability to apply practical knowledge and leadership qualities. It should include evidence of your education, projects you’ve worked on, awards or certificates that you’ve achieved, and additional resources or papers that showcase your expertise in the nursing field.

Applying to nursing school can seem overwhelming. However, by following these steps, you will be able to ensure your application stands out and is remembered by the admissions team. Best of luck with your application!

Learn more about the application process here.

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